
The Details of Our Escape: A New TTRPG

Created by Tyler Crumrine

A creative collaboration between game designer Tyler Crumrine, comics artist Linnea Sterte, and multidisciplinary author Renee Gladman.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

June Update: Books are on a boat! We're at Origins! Surveys lock soon!
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 06:32:38 PM

Great news everyone!

After approving advance copies, the full run of The Details of Our Escape is printed, packed, and on its way aboard the COSCO SPAIN 065E. They're expected to arrived in Long Beach, California July 4 (cue the patriotic music) with a Pittsburgh delivery around July 14. That has us right on schedule for July fulfillment before the game's wider retail release at GenCon 2024!

The quality turned out even better than expected, and I'll be taking photos to share with y'all soon! If you're attending Origins Game Fair in Columbus this week, though, stop by Booth #112 to page through an advance copy in person!

It's been a beyond hectic spring moving into a new apartment and getting TDoOE's print files out the door, but I couldn't be more pleased with the results. This is our first con with advances in hand, so stop by the Possible Worlds Games booth and ask to see one if you're in the area! Myself or my helpers Sean, Mallory, or Camilla will be happy to give you a sneak peek.

Lastly, reminder to fill out and/or update your BackerKit surveys!

90% of you have already done so, but 10% (~125) haven't submitted their addresses etc. for shipping. I'll be locking things down July 1 to collect funds for postage in time for a speedy delivery, and while you'll still be able to turn in surveys late and receive your rewards, they may not get mailed in the first wave of shipping labels. You'll all receive final reminders in your inboxes, and if you're having any trouble finding your survey, don't hesitate to message me here to clear things up!

That's all for now! 

I'm posting this update from my hotel room and will be hitting the Origins show floor first things in the morning. Hope to see some of you there, and if it's as hot in your part of the world as is in Columbus, make sure you're taking steps to beat the heat!

All best,


On Digital Add-Ons!
4 months ago – Thu, May 23, 2024 at 09:46:05 AM

Wow! What a turnout! 

Thank you so much to everyone who's filled out their surveys already, and an extra-special thank you to folks pre-ordering GoGoGolf!, t-shirts, or add-ons from our back catalog!

I've had a number of people message me requesting PDF-only add-on options. The good news is, you don't have to wait! Digital copies of each of our titles are already available!

If you'd like to save on postage by adding products to your order so they'll all ship together on a later date, great! But if you'd like to buy any of our games as PDFs, you can do so right now at without having to wait for surveys to lock.

Similarly, digital-only copies of GoGoGolf! will be available at a discount on simultaneous with the print release! 

Digital pre-orders make sense when you're crowdfunding a project like The Details of Our Escape, but GoGoGolf! is already being funded in-house! Adding a digital pre-order option would just mean BackerKit taking one more slice of the pie in addition to card processing, etc. I appreciate the enthusiasm, and will be sure to link to the digital release page when it's available in future updates!

That's all for now! As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns! Getting a handful of messages or comments even on something intentional flags for me that other people might be wondering the same thing. I genuinely appreciate it!



Surveys! T-shirts! Golf!?!?
4 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 08:25:43 AM

All BackerKit surveys have been sent!

The Smoke Test went swimmingly yesterday, so I just hit go on the rest of the BackerKit surveys! Feel free to add print copies of additional Possible Worlds Games titles to your order to combine and save on shipping or to just click through.

As a reminder, these surveys will be sent to your Kickstarter-associated email (the one you log-in with) so be sure to check that address as well as its spam folder if you don't see anything.If you have any problems finding or filling out your survey, though, don't hesitate to reach out!

Surveys will lock in early July before shipping later that month, so keep that in mind in terms of addresses!

Don't worry—as someone who recently moved to a new apartment and is STILL catching campaigns I need to update my rewards address for I'll be sure to give you plenty of heads up before anything is locked. I've also decided to hold off on TDoOE's digital release until orders are shipped and cards are charged. This is both for fairness and marketing's sake—allowing folks the opportunity to upgrade to print rewards and/or buy add-ons before being locked into a lower tier and me the opportunity to organize a big, splashy release around a single date instead of trickling formats out over time. Again, you'll be the first to know as those dates solidify. 

If you're a digital-only backer, you can choose to upgrade to a physical reward at a discount via the following:

After clicking through your "Response Needed" email from BackerKit, click the "switch your pledge level" link below the "Get Started!" button. This will let you apply your current pledge amount to a physical tier, essentially giving you a discount equal to however much you pledged already. 

UP NEXT: New Shirts!

If you've visited one of our booths or backed our Claw Atlas campaign you know I love collaborating with artists to make cool merch! Made in collaboration with designer PJ Rork and union print shop Commonwealth Press, this limited edition Possible Worlds t-shirt is screen-printed by hand on "berry" Comfort Colors 1717 garment-dyed heavyweight shirts with white ink. Pre-orders will ship alongside The Details of Our Escape's release and a VERY LIMITED NUMBER of extras will be printed before it's gone forever. So if you like band merch but wish you could rep TTRPGs, get yours while you can!

LASTLY: Golf?!?!

Possible Worlds Games was never intended to be a solo project, and now that we're more established as a company I'm excited to announce that we'll be publishing other designers games! 

Starting with a small but mighty project, PWG's first publishing partnership is D. G. Chapman's excellent GoGoGolf!

Explore a magical world crazy about golf, solve problems, and defeat monsters in this GMed, rules-lite TTRPG! Originally a digital-only release in 2019, GoGoGolf!'s print edition features fully remastered art by Jonathan Bliss, a simplified 2d6 dice system, and and ultra-portable 10-page layout printed across 5 heavy-stock, double-sided A5 cards. All purchases include the game's print edition as well as a PDF of the game.

I love this game and want more people to experience it, so I'm making it as affordable as possible at only $5!

Feel free to add it to your pledge to receive a copy alongside TDoOE! I'll also be announcing additional TTRPGs we've signed in the near future, so elect to sign up for our newsletter in your BackerKit surveys to stay in the loop.

All this and more can be found on our BackerKit-hosted preorder page as well!

If you know of anyone who missed the campaign but would be interested in TDoOE or any of the above, please help us spread the word! As a full-time TTRPG business signal boosts are always, ALWAYS appreciated.

Thanks much, and more soon!


Smoke test surveys sent! Surprise reveals tomorrow!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:58:04 AM

Smoke test surveys have been sent to 5% of backers!

Hi everyone! Our BackerKit was approved this morning, so I've taken the next step and sent out a smoke test! BackerKit's smoke test sends surveys to 5% of backers across all pledge levels to help us catch any glitches before sending it out to the remaining 95%. Most of you won't be get a BackerKit email until tomorrow, so don't panic if this update is the only message in your inbox. 

If you receive a smoke test survey and have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me via Kickstarter message or email [email protected]!

If you're a digital-only backer, you'll be able to choose to upgrade to a physical reward at a discount via the following:

After clicking through your "Response Needed" email from BackerKit, click the "switch your pledge level" link below the "Get Started!" button. This will let you apply your current pledge amount to a physical tier, essentially giving you a discount equal to however much you pledged already. 

More tomorrow!

If you're one of the lucky 5%, enjoy your sneak peak but don't spoil the surprise before tomorrow's official reveal! Barring any errors with the smoke test, expect a second update Wednesday announcing the surprise add-ons and letting folks know remaining surveys have been sent.

May Update: Layout, Dominos, & Teasers!
5 months ago – Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:27:13 AM

Proofs arrived and corrections are going smoothly!

I'm happy to report our proofs arrived from China this week and updates are underway! There are some slight changes in paper weight and color matching that I'd like to see, but hey, that's what proofing is for. In the meantime, here's a zoomed out screenshot of the zine's spreads as an early preview! Lots of art, lots of tables, and lots of quality fiction.

Hinokodo's custom domino art is finished as well!

They did an EXCELLENT job, and I'm so happy we were able to work with Hinokodo on this project. Pulling from Linnea's imagery while maintaining their own style, each domino features unique pip art as well as numerals for clarity. There's also an even distribution of outlined vs. inverted art across dominos for higher contrast and visual tracking. These will be printed on two heavy-stock inserts bagged with each zine for you to cut out and shuffle for immediate play!

BackerKit surveys are coming along!

Proofing has taken a lot of my energy, but once these new paper stocks are confirmed weights will be too. Then it's just a matter of plugging them into the weight-based shipment tables I've been building to make sure you're getting an accurate postage rate regardless of your region or any add-ons. I'm hoping for next week.

Speaking of add-ons, here are some sneak peaks!

There will be two surprise releases available via BackerKit alongside TDoOE orders & pre-orders. One of them features the following art:

The other, this blob:

All will become clear soon, but enjoy speculating in the meantime! 

All best,